
Thursday Jun 18, 2015
What Will Your Answer Be - Richard Flewelling June 7, 2015 AM
Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Thursday Jun 18, 2015

Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Faith Like Abraham's May 31, 2015 PM
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Have you ever wondered what faith is? Hebrews tells us it is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. But what does that mean exactly? Listen as we open God's word and look at the topic of faith, especially as it is exemplified by Abraham.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Jesus, The Way To God May 31, 2015 AM
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
So often today we here about the relationship we should have with Jesus. But what about God? Is a relationship with Jesus enough? Listen and find out how Jesus is the way to God!

Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Preaching The Gospel To A Godless Culture - Landon Rutter May 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Brother Landon Rutter joins us for the third and final night of our meeting with a lesson designed to FOCUS our minds on how we can preach God's message to the lost. Even when they come from a society that doesn't believe in God. We encourage you to listen to this timely message from God's word.

Saturday May 30, 2015
One In Christ - Examining Racism Mike Estes May 29, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
Saturday May 30, 2015
Give brother Mike Estes' lesson a listen. In doing so FOCUS your mind on the problem of racism and the solution through God's word.

Friday May 29, 2015
Entitlement - Jim Hardy May 28, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Friday May 29, 2015
Brother Jim Hardy led our thoughts and focused our attention on the entitlement attitude that is so prevalent in today's society. Listen to his words and FOCUS your mind upon God and His desires for you!

Monday May 25, 2015
The Parable Of The Pine Tree May 24, 2015 PM
Monday May 25, 2015
Monday May 25, 2015
In Matthew chapter 13 Jesus tells 3 parables regarding the kingdom of heaven. He used parables that the people of that day could understand talking about things such as sowing seed, mustard trees and leaven. While not found in the Bible, "The Parable of the Pine Tree" also helps us to understand important aspects of Christianity.

Monday May 25, 2015
And He Went On His Way Rejoicing May 24, 2015 AM
Monday May 25, 2015
Monday May 25, 2015
In Acts 8 we have recorded for us the conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch. Much can be learned from this account, from Gods work in bringing men to salvation to our response; the passages here teach us that God expects ACTION on our part. Join us as we study this passage and discover why "He Went On His Way Rejoicing".

Monday May 18, 2015
Jesus, The Way Out Of Sin May 17, 2015 AM
Monday May 18, 2015
Monday May 18, 2015
Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came to give us "life". We can more fully begin to appreciate what this means when we realize that satan and sin does just the opposite. Romans 6:23 tells us that sin will bring about death. If you desire the life that Jesus offers, the freedom that is found ONLY in Him. Then here are 4 scriptural truths that will light "The Way Out Of Sin".

Tuesday May 12, 2015
What Did Simeon See May 10, 2015 PM
Tuesday May 12, 2015
Tuesday May 12, 2015
In Luke chapter 2 we have recorded for us a very strange dialogue between strangers. One being a poor peasant couple with their son, the Christ; and the other being an elderly man who was led by the Spirit. When Simeon, the old man, saw the young Jesus, he began to praise God and bless the parents. Through studying what Simeon said we can begin to understand what Simeon saw.

Monday May 11, 2015
Jesus, The Way To A Better Life May 10, 2015 AM
Monday May 11, 2015
Monday May 11, 2015
"The Good Life"... So many people want it, they strive for it; but, what is it? John 10:10 says Christ has come to bring a more abundant life. Please join us as we focus our attention on Jesus, The Way To A Better Life.

Thursday May 07, 2015

Thursday May 07, 2015

Monday Apr 27, 2015
The High Cost Of A Free Gift April 19, 2015 AM
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
How can a "FREE" gift have a cost? If something is "free" doesn't that mean we don't have to do anything! Romans 6:23 certainly tells us that salvation is a gift but does it cost something? Listen to this sermon concerning the cost God paid for our salvation and the cost we must also pay!

Sunday Apr 26, 2015
A Study Of Daniel 5 -Landon Rutter April 26, 2015 PM
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
An in depth study of the events in Daniel 5. From the writing on the wall to the death of Balshazzar, there are many things we can learn from the account found in the fifth chapter of Daniel. Join us as brother Landon Rutter poses the question, what do Christians do when the nation around them is turning its back on God?

Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Shall Your Brethren Go To War While You Sit Here April 26, 2015 AM
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Sunday Apr 26, 2015
Everyday a spiritual battle is being raging on. Are you supporting your brothers and sisters in the fight? Does it even make a difference what you do...you are just one person right. Listen to this sermon and discover the lesson we can learn from Numbers 32 and the tribes of Reuben and Gad's desire to stay east of the Jordan.

Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
The Character Of Joseph April 12, 2015 PM
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Of all the patriarchs Joseph has more space devoted to him in Genesis and not a single word of reproof is recorded in regards to him. Interested in more, listen to this sermon and see what you can learn from the "Character of Joseph".

Monday Apr 13, 2015
Giving God Your Best April 12, 2015 AM
Monday Apr 13, 2015
Monday Apr 13, 2015
God deserves our best. In fact he wont accept anything less. Check out this sermon that asks the simple question...are you "Giving Your Best To God"?

Monday Apr 06, 2015
Grace And The Christian April 5, 2015 PM
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Do you understand just what the word "grace" means? Do you know how it effects you? Is it possible you could be wasting the grace God has given? Listen to this sermon as we discuss "Grace and the Christian"

Monday Apr 06, 2015
Jesus Is The Way April 5, 2015 AM
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Have you ever dealt with problems in your life? Maybe at work or in your marriage. Jesus is the solution to your problems, in fact He says He is "the way" in John 14:6 but the way to what? Listen to discover how Jesus is the way.

Monday Mar 30, 2015
Be Strong And Courageous March 29, 2015 PM
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Have you ever felt like a little fish in a BIG ocean? Sometimes when we look around at all the evil in this world we begin to feel overwhelmed but take courage! In this fight of faith we can have comfort in who it is we have on our side. The battle belongs to the Lord but He requires us to trust and have courage in Him. If you have ever had trouble being courageous listen to this sermon as we open the Bible and look at some examples how people have taken courage in troubling times.

Monday Mar 30, 2015
What Hinders Me From Being Baptized March 29, 2015 AM
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Is it possible for something to "hinder" you from being baptized? Was the question the Ethiopian eunuch asked completely baseless? If you have ever wondered if you were ready for baptism then listen to the lesson we can learn from the eunuch in Acts 8:26-39.

Monday Mar 23, 2015

Monday Mar 23, 2015

Monday Mar 23, 2015